13.10.2008 | 16:17
Ég sendi honum email
Ég ákvað að senda þessum manni eftirfarandi mail:
Dear Mr. Krugman.
At the same time I wish to congratulate you on your Nobel's price I want to make a remark to your article on Gordon Brown. You probably know what is happening here in Iceland. Just when we had the hope that our biggest bank, and probably the best run bank of them all, Kaupthing Bank, might survive the credit crunch, British government stepped in and ruined it all, with a very stupid and unfair move. The British government caused the demise of Kaupthing Bank last Wednesday, pure and simple, and at the same time, caused great harm to British savings owners, British creditors to Kaupthing, Kaupthing share holders and a huge damage the small nation of Iceland.
Maybe you want to contact the prime minister's information center through postur@for.stjr.is and get more details about this. You see, maybe Gordon Brown is doing the right thing for Britain's financial market, but he took a small nation, Iceland, and gutted it to gain political clout. Maybe it has nothing to do with economics, but it has everything to do with justice and decency.
Respectfully yours,
Sigurjon Sveinsson,
Kaupthing Bank.
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